On 23 Dec 2009, the CBST Committee held a Christmas gathering at Chairman's house...
The day was suppose to start at from 1pm... But due to some unforeseen circumstances with the eggs and potatoes, Main chef (former Central Bank) was delayed...

Chief helper waiting for Main Chef while CEO go buy lunch

Prepare for chopping!

The Making of: Brocolli & Ham Quiche

Satisfied visitor #1...
The Always-Game-For-A-Bite Kayden...

Satisfied CBST Entertainer/Porter + certified EGG-LOVER...

Gift Exchange: Main Chef

Gift Exchange: Main Chef with gift from Chairman

Gift Exchange: Entertainer/Porter

Gift Exchange: Entertainer/Porter with gift from CEO

Gift Exchange: Min Er

Gift Exchange: Min Er with gift from Main Chef
*Chocolates were peeled away by Matt Matt & dropped to the floor...

Gift Exchange: Chairman with gift from Min Er

Curious Matt Matt

He is very full (So are we...)

Matt Matt with his fave toy for the moment... cookies in a canister...

As Matt Matt plays away...

Entertainer/Porter & Main Chef are working away in the kitchen cleaning up Chairman's kitchen...

Something about this kitchen design makes us REALLY feel like animals being watched in the zoo...